Webinar On-demand | Customer First Price & Promotions and COVID-19: Life After the Curve

The "new normal" isn't really normal at all. Life amid COVID-19 has forced U.S. consumers to adopt new behaviors, dramatically impacting how they shop, work and go about their daily lives. Trips to the grocery store are now once weekly trips to buy essentials and stock the pantry for home cooking. And, vulnerable consumers now rely on online ordering and delivery services they were once reluctant to try.

On average, it takes 66 days for new behaviors to become automatic. The majority of U.S. consumers will cross that milestone under pandemic restrictions very soon. Retailers should prepare now to successfully serve their customers after the "COVID curve."

Join dunnhumby's Ted Eichten, Head of Price & Promotion for North America, and John O'Reilly, Head of Customer Development for North America, as they discuss:

  • Pricing strategies you can implement now to prepare for possible grocery price volatility and increased customer price sensitivity
  • Best practices to ensure promotions and trade funds deliver optimal results, based on customer preferences
  • The importance of capturing margin with the least impact to Customers as spending begins to normalize