
In order to reflect on how the grocery world changed in 2020, we have changed how we calculate our overall Grocery RPI score. Given the historically unique metrics we've witnessed in the economy, the restaurant industry and the grocery industry, along with the rare influence a global pandemic has brought to consumer behavior, we're viewing grocery success in 2020 through a different lens than we viewed grocery success in prior years.

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The 2021 Retailer Preference Index: Who's winning and why. David Ciancio, Global Head of Grocery discusses the 2021 U.S Retailer Preference Index (RPI): Grocery Edition with the lead author of the RPI, Erich Kahner. They unveil key insights and discuss who is winning and who is best positioned for the future.

As we reach the final months of 2020, it's impossible not to reflect on what an unprecedented year it's been. As we continue to navigate the pandemic, so many facets of business have been dramatically impacted. Industries such as travel, hospitality, and restaurants have experienced dramatic declines and halting recoveries, while on the opposite end of the spectrum, home improvement, real estate, and digital businesses have boomed as the population seeks safety, having shifted office work and recreation to their homes.

The retail sector has experienced both of these extremes, with some seeing strong sales while others have been forced into bankruptcy and liquidation.

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Find out how COVID-19 has accelerated the shift to grocery ecommerce, and explore the successful strategies to follow.

2020 has seen an acceleration of grocery e-commerce with globally 29% of shoppers saying they are using pick up or delivery weekly for their grocery of eat at home consumption.

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The "new normal" isn't really normal at all. Life amid COVID-19 has forced U.S. consumers to adopt new behaviors, dramatically impacting how they shop, work and go about their daily lives. Trips to the grocery store are now once weekly trips to buy essentials and stock the pantry for home cooking. And, vulnerable consumers now rely on online ordering and delivery services they were once reluctant to try.

On average, it takes 66 days for new behaviors to become automatic. The majority of U.S. consumers will cross that milestone under pandemic restrictions very soon. Retailers should prepare now to successfully serve their customers after the "COVID curve."

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